Java: Saving Aspose PDF Document with Umlauts – A Comprehensive Guide
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Java: Saving Aspose PDF Document with Umlauts – A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with umlauts in your PDF documents? Do you want to learn how to save Aspose PDF documents with umlauts using Java? Look no further! This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this feat. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What are Umlauts?

Before we dive into the world of Aspose PDF and Java, let’s take a brief look at what umlauts are. Umlauts are a type of diacritical mark used in the German language to indicate a change in the pronunciation of a vowel. They are represented by the letters ä, ö, ü, and ß. Umlauts can be a challenge when working with PDF documents, but with the right tools and techniques, they can be easily accommodated.

Why Aspose PDF?

Aspose PDF is a popular Java library used for creating, editing, and manipulating PDF documents. It provides a wide range of features and functionalities, including support for umlauts. With Aspose PDF, you can create PDF documents that are compatible with various operating systems and PDF viewers. In this article, we’ll focus on using Aspose PDF to save PDF documents with umlauts using Java.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later
  • Aspose PDF for Java library (download from here)
  • Eclipse or any other Java IDE

Step 1: Create a New Java Project

Launch your Java IDE and create a new Java project. Name it “AsposePDFUmlauts” (or any other name of your choice).

> File > New > Java Project

Project Name: AsposePDFUmlauts
Project Location: [Choose a location on your computer]

Step 2: Add Aspose PDF Library to the Project

Add the Aspose PDF for Java library to your project by following these steps:

> Right-click on the project > Build Path > Add External Archives...

Select the aspose-pdf-xx.x.xx.jar file (downloaded in the prerequisites) and click "Open"

Step 3: Create a PDF Document with Umlauts

Now, let’s create a PDF document with umlauts using Aspose PDF. Create a new Java class and add the following code:

import com.aspose.pdf.Document;
import com.aspose.pdf.Font;
import com.aspose.pdf.FontRepository;
import com.aspose.pdf.Page;
import com.aspose.pdf.TextFragment;

public class CreatePDFWithUmlauts {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a new PDF document
    Document document = new Document();

    // Add a new page to the document
    Page page = document.getPages().add();

    // Create a new font with umlauts support
    Font font = FontRepository.findFont("Arial Unicode MS");
    font.setScale(new Font.FontScale(12));

    // Create a text fragment with umlauts
    TextFragment text = new TextFragment("Umgebung, Übung, and Änderung");

    // Add the text fragment to the page

    // Save the PDF document"C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\AsposePDFUmlauts.pdf");

Step 4: Save the PDF Document with Umlauts

Run the above code and it will save a PDF document with umlauts to the specified location. Open the PDF document to verify that the umlauts are displayed correctly.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While working with umlauts and Aspose PDF, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue 1: Umlauts not displayed correctly

If the umlauts are not displayed correctly in the PDF document, make sure to use a font that supports umlauts, such as Arial Unicode MS. Also, verify that the character encoding is set to UTF-8.

Issue 2: PDF document not saving correctly

If the PDF document is not saving correctly, check the file path and ensure that the directory exists. Also, verify that the Aspose PDF library is added to the project correctly.

Best Practices for Working with Umlauts

When working with umlauts and Aspose PDF, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use a font that supports umlauts, such as Arial Unicode MS.
  2. Set the character encoding to UTF-8.
  3. Verify that the Aspose PDF library is added to the project correctly.
  4. Use the correct file path and directory when saving the PDF document.
  5. Test the PDF document with different PDF viewers to ensure compatibility.


In this article, we’ve covered the steps to save an Aspose PDF document with umlauts using Java. We’ve also discussed some common troubleshooting tips and best practices for working with umlauts. By following these steps and guidelines, you should be able to create and save PDF documents with umlauts effortlessly.

Remember, Aspose PDF is a powerful Java library that provides a wide range of features and functionalities for working with PDF documents. With its support for umlauts, you can create PDF documents that are compatible with various operating systems and PDF viewers.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences and feedback with us!

Keyword Description
Aspose PDF A Java library for creating, editing, and manipulating PDF documents.
Umlauts A type of diacritical mark used in the German language to indicate a change in the pronunciation of a vowel.
Java A popular programming language used for developing a wide range of applications, including desktop, mobile, and web applications.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to save an Aspose PDF document with umlauts using Java. Remember to use a font that supports umlauts, set the character encoding to UTF-8, and verify that the Aspose PDF library is added to the project correctly. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Java: saving Aspose PDF Document with Umlauts”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Saving Aspose PDF documents with umlauts can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q: Why do my PDFs not display umlauts correctly when saved using Aspose?

This is because the default encoding used by Aspose is not set to handle special characters like umlauts. You need to specify the correct encoding when saving your PDF document. Try using `“output.pdf”, new PdfSaveOptions { EnableFontHinting = true, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 });` to ensure that your umlauts are displayed correctly.

Q: How do I ensure that my PDF document is saved with the correct font to display umlauts?

To ensure that your PDF document is saved with the correct font to display umlauts, you need to use a font that supports these special characters. Try using a font like `Arial Unicode MS` or `Open Sans` which has extensive character coverage, including umlauts.

Q: Can I use a different encoding scheme to save my PDF document with umlauts?

Yes, you can use a different encoding scheme to save your PDF document with umlauts. For example, you can use `ISO-8859-1` or `Windows-1252` encoding schemes, but keep in mind that these schemes may not support all special characters. It’s recommended to use `UTF-8` encoding for maximum compatibility and character coverage.

Q: Why are my umlauts displayed as question marks or squares in my PDF document?

This is usually because the font used in your PDF document does not support the umlauts or the encoding scheme used to save the document is not correct. Try using a font that supports umlauts and ensure that the encoding scheme is set to `UTF-8` when saving the document.

Q: Can I use Aspose to save PDF documents with other special characters like accents or diacritics?

Yes, Aspose supports saving PDF documents with a wide range of special characters, including accents, diacritics, and other non-English characters. Just ensure that you use the correct font and encoding scheme to support these characters.