Breaking Up with `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Breaking Up with `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of using `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` in your OAuth2 configuration? Do you want to simplify your security setup and improve performance? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on how to remove the usage of `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` and configure OAuth2 authorization server in a more efficient way.

Why Remove `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`?

Before we dive into the removal process, let’s quickly understand why you might want to get rid of `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`. Here are a few reasons:

  • Security Risks**: Using `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` can lead to security vulnerabilities, as it can expose your authorization server to unnecessary risks.
  • Performance Issues**: This configuration can cause performance bottlenecks, slowing down your application.
  • Complexity**: `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` can add complexity to your OAuth2 configuration, making it harder to maintain and troubleshoot.

Understanding the OAuth2 Authorization Server Configuration

Before we remove `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`, let’s take a step back and understand how OAuth2 authorization server configuration works. In OAuth2, the authorization server is responsible for issuing access tokens to clients. Here’s a high-level overview of the configuration process:

  1. Client Registration**: Clients register with the authorization server, providing their credentials and redirect URIs.
  2. Authorization Request**: The client sends an authorization request to the authorization server, which includes the client ID, response type, and redirect URI.
  3. Authorization Code**: The authorization server redirects the user to a login page, where they authenticate and authorize the client.
  4. Access Token Request**: The client sends an access token request to the authorization server, including the authorization code.
  5. Access Token Response**: The authorization server issues an access token to the client, which can be used to access protected resources.

Removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`

Now that we have a good understanding of the OAuth2 authorization server configuration, let’s proceed with removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create a Custom OAuth2 Configuration Class

Create a new Java class that will hold your custom OAuth2 configuration. This class should extend `SecurityConfigurerAdapter` and override the `init` method:

public class OAuth2Config extends SecurityConfigurerAdapter<WebSecurity> {
  public void init(WebSecurityBuilder builder) throws Exception {
    // Configure OAuth2 authorization server

Step 2: Configure the Authorization Server

In the `init` method, configure the OAuth2 authorization server using the `AuthorizationServerConfigurer` interface:

public void init(WebSecurityBuilder builder) throws Exception {
  OAuth2Configurer oauth2Configurer = new OAuth2Configurer();
    .tokenStore(new InMemoryTokenStore())

private ClientDetailsService inMemoryClientDetailsService() {
  ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService = new InMemoryClientDetailsService();
  clientDetailsService.setClientDetailsStore(new InMemoryClientDetailsStore());
  return clientDetailsService;

Step 3: Define Client Details

Define client details using the `ClientDetails` interface:

private class InMemoryClientDetailsService implements ClientDetailsService {
  public ClientDetails loadClientByClientId(String clientId) throws ClientRegistrationException {
    InMemoryClientDetailsStore clientDetailsStore = new InMemoryClientDetailsStore();
      new ClientDetails(
    return clientDetailsStore.getClientDetails(clientId);

Step 4: Configure the Security Filter Chain

Configure the security filter chain using the `HttpSecurity` object:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Benefits of Removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`

By removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Improved Security**: You can configure OAuth2 authorization server in a more secure way, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.
  • Enhanced Performance**: Removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` can improve performance by reducing the complexity of your OAuth2 configuration.
  • Simplified Maintenance**: With a custom OAuth2 configuration class, you can easily maintain and troubleshoot your OAuth2 setup.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to remove `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` and configure OAuth2 authorization server in a more efficient way. By following these steps, you can improve security, performance, and maintainability of your OAuth2 setup. Remember to test your configuration thoroughly to ensure it meets your application’s requirements.

Before After
Complex OAuth2 configuration Simplified OAuth2 configuration
Potential security risks Improved security
Performance issues Enhanced performance

By removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`, you can break free from the shackles of complex OAuth2 configuration and create a more robust and efficient security setup for your application.


Here are some frequently asked questions about removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())`:

  • Q: Will removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` affect my OAuth2 setup?**
  • A: Yes, removing `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` will change the way your OAuth2 authorization server is configured. Make sure to test your configuration thoroughly to ensure it meets your application’s requirements.
  • Q: Can I use `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` in conjunction with a custom OAuth2 configuration class?**
  • A: No, using `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` and a custom OAuth2 configuration class can lead to configuration conflicts. It’s recommended to use one approach or the other.
  • Q: How do I troubleshoot OAuth2 configuration issues?**
  • A: To troubleshoot OAuth2 configuration issues, enable debug logging, use OAuth2 debugging tools, and review your configuration carefully to ensure it meets your application’s requirements.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to remove `http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())` and configure OAuth2 authorization server in a more efficient way. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to remove the usage of http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer()) in your code, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you out:

What is the purpose of http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())?

The purpose of http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer()) is to enable OAuth2 authorization server configurability in your application. However, if you’re not using OAuth2, you can safely remove this line of code.

What happens if I remove http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())?

If you remove http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer()), you won’t have OAuth2 authorization server configurability in your application. However, if you’re not using OAuth2, this line of code is redundant and can be safely removed without affecting your application’s functionality.

How do I know if I’m using OAuth2 in my application?

Check your application’s configuration files or security dependencies. If you don’t see any OAuth2-related configurations or dependencies, you’re likely not using OAuth2. You can also search for OAuth2-related code in your application to confirm.

What are the benefits of removing http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer())?

Removing http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer()) can simplify your application’s configuration and reduce unnecessary dependencies. It can also improve your application’s performance by removing redundant code.

Can I replace http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer()) with something else?

If you’re not using OAuth2, you can remove http.apply(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer()) altogether. However, if you need to replace it with another authorization mechanism, you’ll need to research and implement the specific configurability required for your application’s security requirements.

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